How to start a business in Florida
Thinking about starting a business or need information on how to start a business? Here are the steps to start a new business in Florida!

You will need to come up with a name for your new company. A good name should be unique, but still speak to the type of business you are in.
Choose the type of company you want to start. Do you want to:
File a DBA (fictitious name) to form a sole proprietorship or partnership?
Register as a corporation or LLC (limited liability company) ?
Whichever you choose, you need to register your company with the state, county and get a bank account for the company. You need to complete these steps even if you have an online business or a business that works from home. For example, if you have regular sales at a flea market or sell beauty products at a home party, you need to complete these steps.

Choosing a DBA Start a Business

  • Register with the state: With a DBA/fictitious name, you will be able to register a name with the state to do business under that name for the entire state. Many very small businesses choose this route, or those who are unsure if the company is going to succeed and want to start small and then work up to incorporation.
  • Something to consider: if you choose DBA as your application, then the name you choose may be used by another company. So this Florida name is not just for you. Another thing to consider is that if you file a DBA, there is no limited liability. What this could mean for you is that if someone were to sue the company, your personal assets would be available in the lawsuit. If this is not a concern, then a DBA will be fine.
  • Legal Notice and Business License: After you file for a DBA with the state, you will need to publish an official notice in the local newspaper and then obtain a business license from your county. A business/professional license or business tax receipt is required in most Florida counties to be legally able to do business in that county. Check with your local tax office to find out what they require.